I help private landowners, governmental agencies, and citizen groups through the process of forestland management.



Chapter 61, 61A, and 61B are tax incentive programs.  I can develop these plans, not only to defray taxes but to help you identify goals and objectives for your forestland.  My clients often receive funding for the writing of these plans through the Forest Stewardship Program.  I have also written Forest Stewardship Council Green Certified management plans and can  integrate bird habitat assessment. 



A "Timber Cruise" is a systematic sampling technique that eliminates the need to measure every tree.  I have used this technique to estimate the volume and value of forestland from ten acres to several thousand acres. When property is bought or sold a timber appraisal can estimate the volume and value of the forest resource on a property. 



I routinely sell standing timber and cordwood to both large sawmills and smaller local logging contractors, finding the right personnel and equipment for the specific project at hand. Selling timber by competitive bid commands top market prices.  During a timber sale it is important for the landowner to have a forester who is working for them and not the logger/sawmill. 



In recent years I have started low impact timber harvesting. By removing timber with my team of oxen, I can have the lightest possible impact on the land. I can skid logs on trails as narrow as seven feet and never cause rutting or skin the bark off trees.  With this type of harvest the product produced is the residual stand not the logs being skidded.  It is not feasible to practice ox logging on every property.  Often uphill skids or long skidding distances can hamper production.  In some cases a hybrid system with both animals and machinery is possible.


I use Arc GIS for all of my mapping projects. GIS allows me to overlay multiple layers such as streams, wetlands, roads, topographic maps, and ortho photos onto a map.  Much of this information can then be transferred to a hand held GPS unit for field use.



I take great pride in my ability to locate property boundaries. On several occasions I have researched property deeds back into the 1800's and then found evidence on the ground to substantiate their accuracy.  I often mark forestland boundary lines with blazing and/painting.  



Timber Stand Improvment (TSI) is treating a stand of timber solely to increase its future potential.  Trees are removed that have no merchantable value.  Often times TSI projects cut grapevines that are suppressing overstory trees, control dense thickets of shrubs in the understory or thin pole sized trees in order to increase the growth rates of the most valuable stems.



I'm am often asked by clients about having a tree or two sawn into lumber for use on small projects.  Such small orders cannot be efficiently processed by large commercial sawmills.  I am a partner in a sawmill project we call Westhampton Forest Products.  Our Chase circular mill is still under construction but will be able to produce boards as wide at 20" and as long as 24 feet.  I look forward to having the ability to harvest small amounts of timber with my oxen and then saw lumber for sale to  local craftsman.  

Tom Jenkins has helped manage the forest on our 157 acre farm since 2002. During which time he has written a Forest Stewardship plan and conducted two timber harvests. Two years ago I had Tom harvest some hemlocks infested with woolly adelgid from within my sugar bush with his oxen. The oxen were perfect for this type of harvest because they can go many places a tractor can’t, with a minimal impact on the land. The oxen worked in close proximity to my valuable maples without creating ruts or skinning the bark off the trees, as is often the case with mechanized logging equipment. Using the oxen for this harvest also allowed me to leave most of my sap pipelines in place, saving substantial time and effort. Tom has done an excellent job caring for our land and forest, and I intend to keep using him to help develop quality sawlogs while protecting the non-commercial value of my forest.
— Leo Aloisi, Strawbale Cafe at Hanging Mountain Farm