I'm a graduate of Paul Smith’s College and have worked in the western Massachusetts timber industry for 20 years. I've worked in virtually every facet of forestry, from logging to sawmilling, and am currently a licensed consulting forester. I'm a lifelong outdoorsman and nature lover who is dedicated to sustainable forestry and low impact harvesting. 


I believe in the value of a well managed forest. Managing the forest with planned and careful harvesting can provide a supply of local wood products, and improve both wildlife habitat and recreational access.  Often times forest management activities are a source of income for landowners.  When proper techniques are employed the forest can provide a long term source of revenue, with harvests occurring at regular intervals. 

The forest management decisions that we make now will have long lasting ramifications, future generations will see the effects of those decisions.  I strive to find a way to balance revenue with the non-monetary value of forests.  


My Co-workers

While I do have a network of colleagues that I can use for larger jobs, oftentimes it's just me and my dog, Perry. Sometimes my oxen Rock and Star will join us for low-impact timbering or jobs where machinery isn't a viable option.


the story behind my company name

I often get asked where the name 'blue dog' comes from (after all, Perry is yellow). When we're out marking trees, Perry is ever-helpful and by my side, and inevitably my blue tree paint finds his coat. At the end of long day, he's a blue dog. 

We first met Tom in 2003 when we hired the company he represented to work on a cutting plan for our 50 acre property in Northampton. I had worked cutting trees for our own sawmill in the 60s and could recognize Tom’s ability and knowledge as a forester. Tom has a solid Yankee work ethic and respect for the proper way to implement a selective logging operation. He was also able to point out invasive plants that should be eliminated and informed us of the possibility of permanent land protection through a Conservation Restriction, which we did.
In 2015 we are ready to do another selective cutting and have no reservation about hiring Tom Jenkins again. We were happy to hear that Tom had ventured out on his own. After viewing the trees marked for harvest, I am happy with the trees selected for removal and those left to continue growing. We hope he will be available in another 15 years for our next harvest.
— John Clapp, Starlight Llama Bed and Breakfast